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Boedy king
In general meeting Foreign Military Anti Pangkalan held in Jakarta on 17 January 1965 President Soekarno "Instruction" Indonesia out of the United Nations. Indonesia discharge from the United Nations as a reaction to this is up selected Malaysia to become a member of the security council.

Indonesia have previously attempted to prevent the entry of Malaysia in the Security Council. Business failure is a jolt to the political confrontation Indonesia.

Political confrontation against Malaysia and Indonesia discharge from the United Nations has been socially isolate India from the international community. As a result, the approach was Indonesia with Peking, which for many years not successfully approve the United Nations. In foreign policy, which involved working towards the same direction to prevent what is called the axis Jakarta-Peking as axis perjuanganthe main struggle of "The New Emerging Forces (NEFO)" against "The Old Established Forces (Oldefo)" and "Neokolonialisme / Imperialism (Nekolim) ".
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